Outcomes & ROI

What makes an implementation successful?

SONIFI Health By SONIFI Health
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It takes more than a successful installation to have a successful implementation.

To have technology that meets your goals and objectives, you need a strong team on your side.

Having the right people make sure you have the right solutions, the right applications and the right support means your teams will have technology that work for them, and not the other way around.

Here’s a look at the team it takes to have a successful implementation of patient engagement solutions.

A team dedicated to implementations

With 40 years of successful technology deployments — and firsthand experience with healthcare organizations of all sizes and unique needs — SONIFI Health takes a consultative team approach with every implementation project.

Using your goals as guidelines for configuring the solutions, an implementation project team works with you before go-live to prepare your facility, define workflows, select content, customize user interfaces and training, and build out distribution and networking.

Implementation project manager

A certified project management professional (PMP) oversees the project scope, schedule, budget and communications. They work with your organization’s project manager to create a project charter and plan that covers testing, commissioning and training, among other things.

The implementation project manager is the team’s go-to for any issues or questions during planning, installation and go-live.

Technical project manager

The technical project manager is responsible for the infrastructure, network and equipment needs for your project, and for overseeing the physical installation at your facility.

The technical PM works closely with your IT and facilities departments — as well as our in-house hardware compatibility department, site surveyors, network experts and field technicians — to make sure everything is in place and working prior to go-live.

Nursing executive

A nursing executive works with your patient educators and nursing leadership to build out your patient education strategy. They help guide your team through decisions on education content, care modules, communication and workflow impacts using best practices and evidence-based models.

As a registered nurse (RN) and certified patient experience professional (CPXP), your nursing executive also works with your marketing, patient experience and clinical teams on messaging and communication that will help drive adoption and integrate the system into your clinicians’ culture.

Marketing and brand manager

All SONIFI Health solutions are customized to cohesively reflect your organization and priorities. A marketing and brand manager works with your marketing, patient experience and clinical teams to configure the system to your brand and create a user-friendly experience for your patients, staff and visitors.

They’ll work with your teams on setting system-wide brand standards, and identifying elements that can be modified by specific sites for their unique needs.

Integration architect

An integration architect works with your integration and IT departments for every interface deployed.

This engineer will make sure all out-of-the-box interfaces and custom interfaces seamlessly integrate and reflect your system on both patient-facing and staff-facing displays.

Preparing your staff

The implementation project team also provides full support for training your staff that includes identifying trainees, preparing materials, scheduling training, and performing training — while also socializing your new solutions with clinical teams and other end users.

This communication is critical for successful adoption.

To complement training on how to use the system, champions at your organization are a key part of the teamwork needed to ensure your staff also understands:

  • Why the technology is being implemented
  • What the goals of your new solutions are
  • How it will benefit their work and patient care
  • Where changes to the status quo will be valuable to them, your patients and your organization

If the purpose of the technology investment and the expectations of improvement are clear to your clinicians and other staff, they are more likely to feel a personal responsibility in using the technology to achieve the goals you set for improving performance, satisfaction, safety, quality and more.

Installation to go-live

When it’s time to do the installations, we assign an installation lead technician to oversee the physical installation of the system, including functional and integration testing on all endpoints.

Our technicians coordinate with your plant operations team and unit leaders to install the hardware and software without disrupting workflows, impacting patients or causing outages to your current systems.

A formal hand-off with the project team transitions you from implementation status to operational status, equipping your teams with all the information they need for continued success.

After go-live

After your day 1 implementation, a customer success executive works with you on successful adoption, usage and outcomes with your SONIFI Health technology system.

Your customer success executive will review data with you, share best practices, and become a trusted advisor to innovate how your system can positively affect health outcomes, as well as patient and staff satisfaction.

Continual communication and collaboration means SONIFI Health is there for you as a partner in helping you achieve the outcomes and experiences that matter most.

Based on your specific initiatives and evolving needs, the customer success executive also coordinates account teams — which may include engineers, clinical specialists, analysts, researchers and more — to refine your system and help you find ongoing value that aligns with your priorities.


One platform, one provider, one goal: Your success

When you have a SONIFI Health patient engagement platform, we are your single point of contact for implementation, installation, support, maintenance, and servicing.

With our simplified technology platforms and management models, we do not require that you have someone on staff to manage our solutions once they are live. We have highly skilled technical professionals and industry experts working behind the scenes to make sure everything is working for you.

And we’re ready to grow with you across all your patient contact points, including interactive televisions, mobile applications, digital signage, wayfinding, positive distraction and entertainment programming, casting, portals, internet access, and more.

Above all, SONIFI Health is here to support you, partner with you, and help you achieve your goals.

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