CTA Block – Blue BG

Reprehenderit culpa irure fugiat aliquip sint. Cupidatat nostrud amet non irure aliqua eiusmod sit Lorem Lorem ea. Ullamco voluptate non aliquip non excepteur tempor sit ea incididunt.

CTA Block – Teal BG

Reprehenderit culpa irure fugiat aliquip sint. Cupidatat nostrud amet non irure aliqua eiusmod sit Lorem Lorem ea. Ullamco voluptate non aliquip non excepteur tempor sit ea incididunt.

CTA Block – Gray BG

This is an option for a white background on this as well.

Full Width Slider block. Background is an image or solid color. There is an option to apply an overlay to the BG.

Data provided from a hospital in La Crosse, WI

Patient completion percentages are 19.5% higher in the two months following system implementation.

Texas Health Resources – Fort Worth, TX

Added efficiencies allowed 30% more patient education titles to be assigned and completed.

Texas Health Resources – Fort Worth, TX

Hero Block

Background can be image or video with an optional overlay



Logo Slider Block

SONIFI Health is proud to partner with Texas Health Resources with interactive patient engagement solutions.
SONIFI Health is proud to partner with Cook Children's in implementing interactive patient engagement solutions.
SONIFI Health is proud to partner with Lehigh Valley Health Network with interactive patient engagement solutions.
SONIFI Health is proud to partner with Cedars Sinai in implementing interactive patient engagement solutions.
SONIFI Health is proud to partner with Children's Hospital of Philadelphia in implementing interactive patient engagement solutions.
SONIFI Health is proud to partner with Henry Ford Health in implementing interactive patient engagement solutions.
SONIFI Health is proud to partner with Memorial Hermann in implementing interactive patient engagement solutions.
SONIFI Health is proud to partner with UF Health in implementing interactive patient engagement solutions.
SONIFI Health is proud to partner with Premier Health in implementing interactive patient engagement solutions.
SONIFI Health is proud to partner with St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in implementing interactive patient engagement solutions.
SONIFI Health is proud to partner with Sutter Health in implementing interactive patient engagement solutions.
SONIFI Health is proud to partner with Texas Health Resources with interactive patient engagement solutions.
SONIFI Health is proud to partner with Cook Children's in implementing interactive patient engagement solutions.
SONIFI Health is proud to partner with Lehigh Valley Health Network with interactive patient engagement solutions.
SONIFI Health is proud to partner with Cedars Sinai in implementing interactive patient engagement solutions.
SONIFI Health is proud to partner with Children's Hospital of Philadelphia in implementing interactive patient engagement solutions.
SONIFI Health is proud to partner with Henry Ford Health in implementing interactive patient engagement solutions.
SONIFI Health is proud to partner with Memorial Hermann in implementing interactive patient engagement solutions.
SONIFI Health is proud to partner with UF Health in implementing interactive patient engagement solutions.
SONIFI Health is proud to partner with Premier Health in implementing interactive patient engagement solutions.
SONIFI Health is proud to partner with St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in implementing interactive patient engagement solutions.
SONIFI Health is proud to partner with Sutter Health in implementing interactive patient engagement solutions.
  1. Number List Block

    just a block that gives this specific numbered list design

  2. Item 2

    dolore excepteur adipisicing quis fugiat eu est et dolore dolor sit aute culpa ex reprehenderit


Single Column Content

Basic Single Column Content Block. This block has a bunch of options to display either text, image, video, block quote, heading, or button below.

Text Section.

Ipsum eu duis reprehenderit nisi excepteur nostrud ad commodo exercitation elit ullamco.


Block Quote here, this floats.



Stats block

This has background color options of white, gray, teal, or blue


overall patient satisfaction with SONIFI Health platform

Brigham & Women’s Hospital – Boston, MA

of patients better understood their health condition

5 acute care facilities (100+ patients)

reduction in nursing time spent providing education materials

Data provided from a hospital in La Crosse, WI

Tabbed Slider.

Bunch of options on this one as well for the layout of the slide.


Cohesive technology can provide better connections with your patients, clinicians and staff. Our strategically designed solutions make sure technology works for you, not the other way around.

Get more out of your technology


Modernize the patient experience and improve clinical interactions with one system that integrates:

  • EHR, ADT & surveys
  • Education & positive distraction
  • Meal ordering & discharge planning
  • Smart room controls


Tabbed scrolling block

Navigation up top for each section and a sticky title on the left

SONIFI Health integrates your systems on one platform for smarter, better care

Interactive TVs


Improve education compliance & discharge planning. Address patients’ specific needs & requests

This is a test for content

This is a test

proident qui officia nulla anim proident sit excepteur officia anim ipsum velit veniam sit dolor aliqua reprehenderit do esse ex fugiat consectetur ipsum id duis dolor magna irure incididunt fugiat enim adipisicing do proident officia labore aute dolore mollit deserunt magna amet tempor officia deserunt tempor qui veniam culpa nisi


Testimonial Block. Background can be image or solid color.

Andy Anderson Andy Anderson Director of Product Management, SONIFI Health

digital door sign customization

Three Column Content

Center image with text on the ends.


Reinforce your brand identity with color schemes, imagery, messaging & enclosure designs that fit your aesthetic


Cut out busywork with 24/7 automatic updates of HIPAA-compliant patient details, room identifiers & care reminders



Integrate with RTLS, EHR & Active Directory for care coordination


Call out infection control & PPE notifications with prominent visuals


Post risks with easily identifiable icons for falls, allergies, NPO & more

Three column with icons


Automatic updates

Ensure staff always have accurate details for every patient

Installation & Support

Seamless shift changes

Save time by displaying details staff need at a glance


Patient safety alerts

Keep safety top of mind with instant visual reminders


Three column with text

laborum nostrud minim eiusmod est sunt nisi laboris est aute aute occaecat proident aliquip fugiat ad commodo non aliquip nostrud et do cillum ut minim ex quis ullamco officia id

laborum nostrud minim eiusmod est sunt nisi laboris est aute aute occaecat proident aliquip fugiat ad commodo non aliquip nostrud et do cillum ut minim ex quis ullamco officia id

laborum nostrud minim eiusmod est sunt nisi laboris est aute aute occaecat proident aliquip fugiat ad commodo non aliquip nostrud et do cillum ut minim ex quis ullamco officia id

Tile Grid

Tile Grid

laborum anim enim elit adipisicing veniam dolore voluptate amet deserunt exercitation eu

Mobile App

laborum anim enim elit adipisicing veniam dolore voluptate amet deserunt exercitation eu

Digital whiteboards

laborum anim enim elit adipisicing veniam dolore voluptate amet deserunt exercitation eu

Digital Door Sign

laborum anim enim elit adipisicing veniam dolore voluptate amet deserunt exercitation eu

Two Column Content & Image

Mounted directly outside patient room doorways, digital door signs display relevant information pulled directly from your EHR system, ensuring details are always up to date.

  • Keep crucial information in clear view 24/7
  • Help staff improve patient interactions & safety
  • Facilitate efficient shift changes & care coordination
  • Eliminate manually posting status papers, isolation cards & precaution signs


Two Column with basic text

laborum nostrud minim eiusmod est sunt nisi laboris est aute aute occaecat proident aliquip fugiat ad commodo non aliquip nostrud et do cillum ut minim ex quis ullamco officia id

laborum nostrud minim eiusmod est sunt nisi laboris est aute aute occaecat proident aliquip fugiat ad commodo non aliquip nostrud et do cillum ut minim ex quis ullamco officia id

Two Row Block

Image can be top or bottom.

laborum nostrud minim eiusmod est sunt nisi laboris est aute aute occaecat proident aliquip fugiat ad commodo non aliquip nostrud et do cillum ut minim ex quis ullamco officia id

This is the hover copy that can be longer or shorter depending on what you feel like it should be. Here it is shown with 2 sentences.


This is the hover copy that can be longer or shorter depending on what you feel like it should be. Here it is shown with 2 sentences.

Learn more
This is the hover copy that can be shorter.

Testing with a little longer

This is the hover copy that can be shorter.

Learn more